¡ Si SIA! no es para nada mi estilo de música, y menos mi cantante preferida, todo se acentúa negativamente para mas inri en el momento que admito que soy un poco misogino ante las cantantes femeninas, tranquilidad en las masas, se salvan muchas excepciones.
Esta fiebre electropopera me entra de repente por varios motivos. En primer lugar el videoclip me parece sencillamente ¡ Brutal! Y ya no solo por el abierto concepto creativo provocado por la danza e interpretación de los bailarines Shia LaBeouf y Maddie Ziegler; En segundo lugar Sia tiene un vozarrón; Y en tercer lugar el todo. el éxtasis visual, el nirvana hecho danza, provocado por la IMPRESIONANTE interpretación de Maddie Ziegler ¡ Si nena si! tu sabes lo que te haces, es espectacular verla bailar, y como no podría ser de otra forma mi enfermedad curiosa ya no pudo parar, obligándome a ver un sin fín de vídeos de la pequeña en youtube y mi respuesta fue en todos la misma, expectación absoluta.

A part of me flatly refuses to discuss this issue, while the other moves the hands, turning me write this post in a show, while the hands move fast like the wind, my head spins from left to right to deny the evidence.
Yes SIA! It is not at all my style of music, and less my favorite singer, everything negatively accentuated to make matters worse when I admit I'm a bit misogynistic to the female singers, tranquility in the masses, many exceptions are saved.
This electropopera fever suddenly comes to me for several reasons. First the video seems to me just brutal! And not only for the open concept creative caused by the dance and acting of the dancers Shia LaBeouf and Maddie Ziegler; Second Sia has a booming voice; And thirdly the whole. the visual ecstasy, nirvana done dance, led by the impressive performance of Maddie Ziegler, yeah baby yeah! You know what you do like, is spectacular to see her dance, and how could it be otherwise my curious disease could not stop, forcing me to watch a free video of the small on youtube and my response was all the same, expectation absolute.
Today I offer a spring look with a shirt open and rolled up ZARA top level. Ideal to go for beers with good company for an area with such charm and where am ,,, The Alameda de Sevilla.
Hoy os ofrezco un look muy primaveral con una camisa de ZARA nivel top abierta y remangada. Idóneo para ir de birras con buena compañía por una zona con tanto encanto como en la que me encuentro,,, La Alameda de Sevilla.
(You have the text below in English)

Fotos: Sandra Moreno Arrébola
Instagram: @Sandra_arrebola
Gafas de sol: Vans
Camisa: Zara
Pantalón: H&m Super Skinny Fit
Botas: Zara
Yes SIA! It is not at all my style of music, and less my favorite singer, everything negatively accentuated to make matters worse when I admit I'm a bit misogynistic to the female singers, tranquility in the masses, many exceptions are saved.
This electropopera fever suddenly comes to me for several reasons. First the video seems to me just brutal! And not only for the open concept creative caused by the dance and acting of the dancers Shia LaBeouf and Maddie Ziegler; Second Sia has a booming voice; And thirdly the whole. the visual ecstasy, nirvana done dance, led by the impressive performance of Maddie Ziegler, yeah baby yeah! You know what you do like, is spectacular to see her dance, and how could it be otherwise my curious disease could not stop, forcing me to watch a free video of the small on youtube and my response was all the same, expectation absolute.
Today I offer a spring look with a shirt open and rolled up ZARA top level. Ideal to go for beers with good company for an area with such charm and where am ,,, The Alameda de Sevilla.